January 22, 2025 ~ BAT CHAT

2023 First Official Bat Count: Friday, June 2

Friday Night Bat Counts – 2023

At twilight, every Friday through August 19, BEEPS conducts bat counts. We always need eagle-eyed volunteers to help out, as the bats come out fast and furious once they start swooping out of the attic to forage. This is a fun, learning experience for all ages. Bring a chair, a cell phone with a counting app and sharp eyes. Data from these counts, including the “official” counts is submitted to Environment Canada, BC Bats, Okanagan Bats and other conservation stakeholders. The early statistics are used to establish a baseline in general for the number of bats, and further monitoring provides insight into the general health and fecundity of our attic maternity colony.

Meet outside the yellow Peachland Historic School, with a lawn chair and counting app for your phone. You can see the attic live feed, and learn all about these fab flying mammals. Kids’ crafts start at 7:30

Click here for a TV video clip from our count of June 17, 2022

BEEPS @ The Peachland Farmers and Crafters Market 2023

Kick Off Sunday, May 28th in Heritage Park from 10AM-2PM.

Be sure to stop by, say hi and find out all about the batty events and activities coming up. Learn all about our Peachland bats and how lucky we are to have a thriving maternity colony, keeping mosquito and other insect populations low.

BEEPS Tent will be at the North entrance to the market, every Sunday.